We Save You Money

We have the knowledge, expertise & service partnerships to create a point-of-sale payment environment that will provide the highest value at the lowest cost possible. In addition, we have the same access to interchange pricing as the largest processors in USA & Canada, without the heavy overhead costs and margin pressures. This low-cost structure ensures that you will benefit from our ability to provide superior savings on your credit card processing.

In just the last 3 years alone. We have saved our merchants over $3 Million in reduced credit card processing fees after making the switch from their previous service providers.

  • We have over 15 years experience in the industry
  • One of the best ratings on the market - 98%
  • Our team is very qualified, and we are still growing
  • We ensure each of our clients get superior customer support

Payment Processing For Hospitality

We specialize in Hospitality merchants. Nobody else has the expertise and knowledge in credit card processing for Hotels like we do.

We take pride in our ability to provide merchants with the absolute best customer service in the North American Merchant Marketplace. We truly care about our clients, and if there are any issues to be resolved, our team is committed to tackle them quickly and efficiently. Hospitality Payments believes in a pro-active approach, unlike the re-active demeanor of all of our competitors. Let us take care of you by providing a superior and enhanced customer-merchant experience.

Ready To Accept Credit Cards With Our Game-Changing Solutions That Will Provide You With Immediate Savings & Reduced Risk?

Please, Fill The Form Below So We May Be Able To Contact You And Help Your Business Now.

